Studio Photography on White

I do a lot of work on white backgrounds and there are a few subtle choices to be made . One of the big issues is whether or not to completely silhouette or “float” the image.


When the image will be displayed on white, I sometimes like there to be a slight bit of tone in the background. For you Photoshop people, 248 is usually dimmed down enough. This slightly dimmed down white creates a background for the image. Framing the image with a thin black or gray line is another option for keeping it from floating away.


The same principle of adding a little tone to the background applies to Product photography as well. In addition, drop shadow are often added. The shadow grounds the product, making it look as though it’s actually sitting on something. Creating realistic drop shadows is a snap, once you’ve done it a couple of hundred times.

Keep these choices in mind when you need photography on white backgrounds. The best solution is always the one that looks best in the final design.